Founded in early 2012, Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs at Berkeley is the largest Chinese entrepreneurial community at UC Berkeley. Our mission is to connect entrepreneurial individuals, consolidate entrepreneurship network, and incubate future industry leaders. In the past, we have held events with 20+ partners including: Zhenfund (真格基金), 500 Startups, DCM, Innovation Works (创新工场), Legend Star, InnoSpring, Technode, Pingwest, GWC, HYSTA; and companies including Tencent, Alibaba, UC Web, Papaya Mobile, and Dolphin Browser. We provide valuable learning and networking opportunities for our members through a wide range of entrepreneurship events/programs and extensive collaboration with other communities in US universities, Silicon Valley and China.
成立于2012年初,伯克利华人创业协会 (ACE: Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs at Berkeley) 是加州大学伯克利分校最大的华人主题社团。我们的宗旨是聚集热衷创业的伯克利华人学生,建立紧密的校友创业网络,孕育未来杰出的华人企业家。为此,我们致力于开展形式丰富多样的创业主题活动,同时与美国诸多高校和硅谷地区众多华人组织和各业界伙伴密切合作,为ACE成员带来有价值的学习和交流资源。